IGA League Season 1
.: T220512A :.

Submitted by Eoghan Barry (rottenhat)

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; TC[T220512A]
; CL[D]
; EV[IGA League Season 1]
; PC[IE, Online]
; DT[2022-05-12,2022-08-25]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[62]
; CM[(submitted by rottenhat)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52.01
; Pl Name Rk Co Club MMS SOSSOSOS
115698463Gavin Rooney3dIECork37332330004-/w07+/b02+/b07+/w04+/b02+/w00-0-0-0-
219733813Xinqun Lu4dIEDubl36338332807+/w04-/b01-/w04+/w07+/b01-/b00-0-0-0-
317874483John Courtney1dIEDubl353183139012+/w05+/b06-/w05+/w012+/b06-/b05+/b00-0-0-
410386926Philippe Renaut2dIEGalw34334325601+/b02+/w07-/w02-/b01-/w07+/b00-0-0-0-
513649218Przemyslaw Dyszczyk1dPLLubl34321313006+/b03-/w012+/w03-/b06+/w012+/b03-/w00-0-0-
614986807Matei Garcia1dIEDubl34316312205-/w012+/b03+/b012+/w05-/b03+/w00-0-0-0-
714850187James Hutchinson2dIELisb32338324802-/b01-/w04+/b01-/b02-/w04-/w00-0-0-0-
810733514Peter Kasko3kIEDubl312842796016+/w010+/b09+/w010-/w016+/b09-/b00-0-0-0-
912850431Tiberiu Gociu3kIELisb302862792010+/w016+/b08-/b016-/w010-/b08+/w00-0-0-0-
1016274137Thomas Shanahan3kIECork30286279209-/b08-/w016+/w08+/b09+/w016-/b00-0-0-0-
1119701814Byoung-Ju Lee6kIEDubl302502502019+/b020+/w022+/b020+/b019+/w022+/b00-0-0-0-
1216786836Alex Delogu1kIEDubl29322307003-/b06-/w05-/b06-/b03-/w05-/w00-0-0-0-
1317313043Dimitrios Satkas4kGRxxxx292722660017-/w018+/b014-/w018-/w017+/b014+/b00-0-0-0-
1418513352Stephen Nulty5kIEDubl292682628018+/w017+/b013+/b017-/w018+/b013-/w00-0-0-0-
1512737153Cristian Bratu7kIEDubl292262282021+/w027+/b026+/b024+/w00-21+/b027+/w00-0-0-
1614625974Eoghan Barry4kIEDubl28286275208-/b09-/w010-/b09+/b08-/w010+/w00-0-0-0-
1719262287Niall Tuohy5kIEDubl282702624013+/b014-/w018+/b014+/b013-/w018-/w00-0-0-0-
1819662357Serge Eon5kFR64Pa272722620014-/b013-/w017-/w013+/b014-/w017+/b00-0-0-0-
1919250286Ruari Mccloskey6kIELisb272542479011-/w022+/b00-22+/w011-/b020+/b00-0-0-0-
2018501351Patrick Naughton6kIEGalw262552478022+/w011-/b00-11-/w022+/b019-/w00-0-0-0-
2119733945James Snowden8kUKNoCb252302234015-/b026+/w00-27-/b024+/w015-/w00-0-27+/w00-
2217413231Roy Palmer6kIEGalw242622478020-/b019-/w011-/w019-/b020-/w011-/w00-0-0-0-
2319613396Oliver Skocic13kHRGKIN241741770025+/b029+/w00-30+/b028+/w025+/w00-0-30+/w028+/b0
2417401219Michele Renaut9kIEGalw23220217600-0-27+/w015-/b021-/b00-0-27+/b00-0-
2519874690Sean Connor12kIEDubl221821788023-/w030+/b00-28+/w00-23-/b030+/w00-28+/b00-
2620113302Killian Davis9kIENoCb21222213600-21-/b015-/w00-0-0-0-0-0-0-
2720137304Gerd Krueger11kIENoCb20230211200-15-/w024-/b021+/w00-0-15-/b024-/w021-/b00-
2819849610Steven Eachus15kIELisb191801724029+/b00-30+/w025-/b023-/b029+/b00-30+/b025-/w023-/w0
2920149305Michael Pender13kIENoCb171761734028-/w023-/b00-0-30-/w028-/w00-0-0-0-
3019650851Gia Pietri19kGRxxxx12180157800-25-/w028-/b023-/w029+/b00-25-/b028-/w023-/b00-
; TC[T220512A]
; CL[D]
; EV[IGA League Season 1]
; PC[IE, Online]
; DT[2022-05-12,2022-08-25]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[62]
; CM[(submitted by rottenhat)]
; Generated by OpenGotha 3.52.01
; Pl Name                            Rk Co Club  MMS  SOSSOSOS
 1 Rooney Gavin          3d IE  Cork  37   332  3300 0    4-/w0   7+/b0   2+/b0   7+/w0   4+/b0   2+/w0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |15698463
 2 Lu Xinqun             4d IE  Dubl  36   338  3328 0    7+/w0   4-/b0   1-/w0   4+/w0   7+/b0   1-/b0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |19733813
 3 Courtney John         1d IE  Dubl  35   318  3139 0    12+/w0  5+/b0   6-/w0   5+/w0   12+/b0  6-/b0   5+/b0   0-      0-      0-       |17874483
 4 Renaut Philippe       2d IE  Galw  34   334  3256 0    1+/b0   2+/w0   7-/w0   2-/b0   1-/w0   7+/b0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |10386926
 5 Dyszczyk Przemyslaw   1d PL  Lubl  34   321  3130 0    6+/b0   3-/w0   12+/w0  3-/b0   6+/w0   12+/b0  3-/w0   0-      0-      0-       |13649218
 6 Garcia Matei          1d IE  Dubl  34   316  3122 0    5-/w0   12+/b0  3+/b0   12+/w0  5-/b0   3+/w0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |14986807
 7 Hutchinson James      2d IE  Lisb  32   338  3248 0    2-/b0   1-/w0   4+/b0   1-/b0   2-/w0   4-/w0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |14850187
 8 Kasko Peter           3k IE  Dubl  31   284  2796 0    16+/w0  10+/b0  9+/w0   10-/w0  16+/b0  9-/b0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |10733514
 9 Gociu Tiberiu         3k IE  Lisb  30   286  2792 0    10+/w0  16+/b0  8-/b0   16-/w0  10-/b0  8+/w0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |12850431
10 Shanahan Thomas       3k IE  Cork  30   286  2792 0    9-/b0   8-/w0   16+/w0  8+/b0   9+/w0   16-/b0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |16274137
11 Lee Byoung-Ju         6k IE  Dubl  30   250  2502 0    19+/b0  20+/w0  22+/b0  20+/b0  19+/w0  22+/b0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |19701814
12 Delogu Alex           1k IE  Dubl  29   322  3070 0    3-/b0   6-/w0   5-/b0   6-/b0   3-/w0   5-/w0   0-      0-      0-      0-       |16786836
13 Satkas Dimitrios      4k GR  xxxx  29   272  2660 0    17-/w0  18+/b0  14-/w0  18-/w0  17+/b0  14+/b0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |17313043
14 Nulty Stephen         5k IE  Dubl  29   268  2628 0    18+/w0  17+/b0  13+/b0  17-/w0  18+/b0  13-/w0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |18513352
15 Bratu Cristian        7k IE  Dubl  29   226  2282 0    21+/w0  27+/b0  26+/b0  24+/w0  0-      21+/b0  27+/w0  0-      0-      0-       |12737153
16 Barry Eoghan          4k IE  Dubl  28   286  2752 0    8-/b0   9-/w0   10-/b0  9+/b0   8-/w0   10+/w0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |14625974
17 Tuohy Niall           5k IE  Dubl  28   270  2624 0    13+/b0  14-/w0  18+/b0  14+/b0  13-/w0  18-/w0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |19262287
18 Eon Serge             5k FR  64Pa  27   272  2620 0    14-/b0  13-/w0  17-/w0  13+/b0  14-/w0  17+/b0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |19662357
19 Mccloskey Ruari       6k IE  Lisb  27   254  2479 0    11-/w0  22+/b0  0-      22+/w0  11-/b0  20+/b0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |19250286
20 Naughton Patrick      6k IE  Galw  26   255  2478 0    22+/w0  11-/b0  0-      11-/w0  22+/b0  19-/w0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |18501351
21 Snowden James         8k UK  NoCb  25   230  2234 0    15-/b0  26+/w0  0-      27-/b0  24+/w0  15-/w0  0-      0-      27+/w0  0-       |19733945
22 Palmer Roy            6k IE  Galw  24   262  2478 0    20-/b0  19-/w0  11-/w0  19-/b0  20-/w0  11-/w0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |17413231
23 Skocic Oliver        13k HR  GKIN  24   174  1770 0    25+/b0  29+/w0  0-      30+/b0  28+/w0  25+/w0  0-      0-      30+/w0  28+/b0   |19613396
24 Renaut Michele        9k IE  Galw  23   220  2176 0    0-      0-      27+/w0  15-/b0  21-/b0  0-      0-      27+/b0  0-      0-       |17401219
25 Connor Sean          12k IE  Dubl  22   182  1788 0    23-/w0  30+/b0  0-      28+/w0  0-      23-/b0  30+/w0  0-      28+/b0  0-       |19874690
26 Davis Killian         9k IE  NoCb  21   222  2136 0    0-      21-/b0  15-/w0  0-      0-      0-      0-      0-      0-      0-       |20113302
27 Krueger Gerd         11k IE  NoCb  20   230  2112 0    0-      15-/w0  24-/b0  21+/w0  0-      0-      15-/b0  24-/w0  21-/b0  0-       |20137304
28 Eachus Steven        15k IE  Lisb  19   180  1724 0    29+/b0  0-      30+/w0  25-/b0  23-/b0  29+/b0  0-      30+/b0  25-/w0  23-/w0   |19849610
29 Pender Michael       13k IE  NoCb  17   176  1734 0    28-/w0  23-/b0  0-      0-      30-/w0  28-/w0  0-      0-      0-      0-       |20149305
30 Pietri Gia           19k GR  xxxx  12   180  1578 0    0-      25-/w0  28-/b0  23-/w0  29+/b0  0-      25-/b0  28-/w0  23-/b0  0-       |19650851
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James Snowden's

James Snowden's opponents list
1 12737153 Cristian Bratu      IE Dubl 7k 1438 0 15 1273715319733945T220512A1
2 20113302 Killian Davis      IE NoCb 9k 1200 0 26 1973394520113302T220512A2
4 20137304 Gerd Krueger      IE NoCb 11k 1000 0 27 1973394520137304T220512A4
5 17401219 Michele Renaut      IE Galw 9k 1063 0 24 1973394517401219T220512A5
6 12737153 Cristian Bratu      IE Dubl 7k 1438 0 15 1273715319733945T220512A6
9 20137304 Gerd Krueger      IE NoCb 11k 1000 0 27 1973394520137304T220512A9

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  Players distribution
Country code
Number of Club
Total Players
Number of Players
France FR 1 1 64Pa 1
Greece GR 1 2 xxxx 2
Croatia HR 1 1 GKIN 1
Ireland IE 5 24 Cork 2
        Dubl 11
        Galw 4
        Lisb 4
        NoCb 3
Poland PL 1 1 Lubl 1
United Kingdom UK 1 1 NoCb 1

Total Countries
Total Clubs
Total Players
6 10 30
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